Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Poem for Gandhi Jayanti Celebration --Yuyutsu Sharma

In the Absence of the Towers,
Yuyutsu Sharma

In absence
of Twin Towers, it was his statue

in Union Square
that became the solid shaft

of my light in the whirling city
of rattling trains, my memory key

to the numbered streets
of this mandala of steel, siren and seeds…

Larger than life figure
standing in the grassy triangle,

his feeble staff
from South Africa shining from

the glow of his compassion,
his eyes looking onto

the Green Market
stalls from Upstate,

Apple cider, wine, pretzels,
Organic cupcakes, Dead sea salt

and across the Square
Barnes and Noble store, Occupy Wall Street kids,

skating Latinos
and that black boy from Hudson River Valley

his chessboard
of Power Games spread on a small table

with an empty little chair
in the freezing cold

waiting for someone to come
and invest his precious coin or a dream

and spend some quality time
under the murky skies

likely to turn cobalt blue,
a flame of a feather

of a singing blue jay…

From A Blizzard in my Bones: New York Poems

The Gandhi Statue at Union Square, New York