Monday, August 29, 2016

Fantastic review of A Blizzard in my Bones: New York Poems by Karen Herceg

Top Customer Reviews

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Yuyutsu RD Sharma’s A Blizzard in my Bones: New York Poems
allows us to see New York City with new eyes of wonder
as can only be done by someone who is not a native.
With great compassion, he adopts the city with all its flaws and the marvel of its history. 
Iconic images become the vehicle for personal metaphor and examination. 
He explores how readily we can lose ourselves in a city 
so imprinted with the stories of millions yet retain our own personal connections to it. 
With exquisite poetic sensibility he exhibits how so many personalities
add to the collective persona of the city itself. New York becomes an archetypal symbol
 paradigmatic of, and yet distinct from, other places on earth. 
Sharma’s verse moves us from the personal 
to the universal experience without sacrificing
the distinctive nuances of such a complex metropolis 
or a single person’s contribution within its frequently impersonal presence. 
He refines its ubiquity down to the sensibility of a village, 
underlying the great bond of similarities we all share.

Yuyutsu Sharma is a treasure as a person and as a writer. 
His poetry invites trans-cultural participation
and a human connection through its global appeal.
He is an artist who works to promote all artists
who endeavor to create at their highest potential.
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