In their panoramic sweep, headlong rushing catalogues, visionary moments,
their courage and compassion, numinous
imagery, and beautiful music, Yuyutsu Sharma’ Quaking Cantos are worthy of comparison to “The Sleepers” of
These poems will shake the attentive reader like the quakes they
witness. In the dramatic immediacy of their confrontation with the cosmos and
powers beyond comprehension or control—powers that seem to have gone utterly
mad--they recreate the terror and terrible beauty of what Rudolf Otto has
called “The Holy.
As one small example
of the flood Sharma provides, consider the conclusion of “A Burning Sun”: in
which for a moment a woman has left her baby kicking alone, outside playfully
at the eye of heaven:
And it hit again,
the second time, right there,
burying her shoulder
deep under a pile
of mud and damp bricks,
leaving her son
bare and howling
in the bleeding eye
of the growling sun.
Michael Graves, author of Outside St.
Jude’s Adam and Cain, Illegal Border Crosser and In Fragility