Collected by Shiva Dhakal
Adapted into English by Yuyutsu RD Sharma.
ISBN 81-8250-002-0 2009. Paper pp.125. Rs. 195.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Getting High (after hearing Yuyutsu Sharma on Nepal)
Getting High
(after hearing Yuyutsu Sharma on Nepal)
He takes me to his world
an abode of snow melts
flows down
treeless steppes
cascades past seasons
rivers of morning rise
unveiling valleys of glacial flow
I inhale
mists of monsoon rains
of eternal spring
showering fields of forever
musk deer grazing
magnolia and mint
I exhale red rhododendron
slants of sunlight
clove, cumin and coriander
He takes me to this place
his temple, his shrine
the gist of his existence
with words
floating like dust motes
@Lorraine Conlin/2010
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Folk Tales of Sherpa and Yeti -- New Edition
Folk Tales of Sherpa and Yeti
Folk Tales of Sherpa and Yeti reveals the drama of primitive human mind enacted on Himal’s glacial heights.
The book is the result of Shiva Dhakal’s trek to Rolwaling and Khumbu. Creatively exploring the intricacy of human relationships, Shiva Dhakal offers a dazzling diadem of twelve folk tales.
Employing his master skill of story telling, unlike fashionable folklorists, Mr. Dhakal evokes the elemental events that determine the working of a primitive psyche.
The incidents of raping of an innocent girl by the man-eater Yeti, of the seduction of an intimate friend’s wife, the tempting of an incarnate Lama by a young Sherpa maiden, the Strategy of annihilating Yetis of the world, the birth of mountains out of guilty lovers, and the duel between the wind and the fog reveal the basic working pattern of a primitive mind.
To read the Folktales of Sherpa and Yeti is to know the hidden hunger of much misunderstood and glamorized Sherpa mind.
“The book is an excellent contribution to the Sherpa culture and Ethnology. Dhakal deserves congratulations on his arduous undertaking involving mountain trekking and his successful recapitulation of these tales in a very simple and clear-cut style …” – Dr. Murari P. Regmi
The Yeti:Spirit of Himalayan Forest Shamans
The Yeti:Spirit of Himalayan Forest Shamans
by Dr. Larry G. Peters
Yeti is a living, current, popular mythology and a folkloric treasure whose origin the present book seeks to explore. Tracing its history to the pre-Buddhist, fierce spirit of Nature-mountain goddess and forest wild men of Bonpo shamanism in Tibet, Dr. Peters uncovers the hidden chapters of human history, evaluating the cross-cultural implications of religious practices, myths rituals, legends and scriptures.
The Yeti, to sum up, it a sparkling piece of original research written with an objective to rehabilitate interest in the study of yeti as a spiritual teacher and initiator of shamans.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Reader Response--"At Forty You Die" by Yuyutu Sharma
"At Forty You Die"
At forty two moons start throbbing
like bright eyes of your own children.
At forty two people you dream of
most frequently, two people who dreamt
of you and your eyes all their lives.
At forty in the early
dawn of your desperate decades
you start dreaming of your mother first.
She comes limping
like a wounded cockroach
from the other world
to clasp your sweaty palms
to kiss your eyebrows
withering under the blind stare
of a merciless sun,
to complains of the tulips that faded
under the blind stare of a merciless sun.
At forty you dream
of your father frequently,
a Buddha or an exhausted god,
a lion repentant for a lifetime,
a familiar stranger who made you
what you are in your dreams
and left you alone,
bleeding on the mule-paths of life.
At forty you see him everywhere,
in the creases of your skin,
in the puffed-out eyelids,
in the fluffy temples
where two crescent moons appear,
silvery and savage like ensuing life’s itinerary.
At forty he lusts in the crazed
fields of your blood vessels.
He escorts you to
the open spaces of his cherished riverbanks
pavilions of tantric priests
ashrams of ascetics before bonfires of annihilation.
He guides you to the bog lands
of his fond memories where once
his beloved woman lived and
then left him, one by one,
“Forgot the old chums, fell in the trap of new ones”
She comes limping
like a wounded cockroach
from the other world
to clasp your sweaty palms
to kiss your eyebrows
withering under the blind stare
of a merciless sun
to complain of the tulips that faded
under the blind stare of a merciless sun.
At forty your own woman's mouth
starts smelling of deceit,
a Bhairab's mask,
a masculine leer along
the canyons of her body.
At forty you start
questioning questions
and decide to die
like one dies in poetry or books.
Or proverbs that proved false--
People above forty should be shot dead.
You resolve what you didn't all life long--
to reach out to touch
the rim of unheard horizons
elusive Shangri-la from where no return
to exquisite valleys of life is possible.
But your children's eyes start
shining like burning stars
along the moons of your secret lusts.
At forty you die to be born again
and again in the theatre of your children's eyes
Thursday, January 6, 2011
POESÍA: POETAS PARA EL SIGLO XXI Editor: Fernando Sabido Sánchez:
Yuyutsu RD Sharma(NEPAL)-Biografía
Yuyutsu RD Sharma es uno de los poetas asiáticos en lengua inglesa más prestigiosos y con más repercusión internacional. De origen nepalí, nació en Nakodar (Punjab) y estudió literatura en la Universidad de Rajastán, Jaipur, donde participó activamente en círculos literarios y teatrales. Ha sido profesor en la Universidad del Punjab y en Tribhuwan University, Katmandú. Ha impartido cursos de escritura creativa y traducción en Queen’s University, Belfast, Universidad de Ottawa, Instituto del Sur de Asia y en la Universidad de Heidelberg (Alemania).
Ha viajado por todo el mundo, participando en numerosas lecturas poéticas en varios países de Asia, Europa y América. Se le han concedido prestigiosas becas de creación literaria como las de la Fundación Rockefeller, la Fundación Trubar de Eslovenia y el Instituto para la traducción de Literatura Hebrea.
Tiene publicados ocho libros de poesía, entre los que se encuentran: Space Cake, Amsterdam, & Other Poems from Europe and America, (Howling Dog Press, Colorado, 2009), Annapurna Poems, (Nirala, New Delhi 2008), Everest Failures (White Lotus Book Shop, Kathmandu, 2008) A photographic and Poetic Journey to the Foot of Everest, (Epsilonmedia, Germany, 2006) en colaboración con el fotógrafo alemán Andreas Stimm y una traducción del poeta irlandés Cathal O’ Searcaigh al nepalí.
Ha traducido y editado varias antologías de poesía nepalí contemporánea al inglés y es fundador del movimiento Kathya Kayakalpa (Metamorfosis) en la poesía nepalí actual. Su libro Roaring Recital, cinco poetas nepalíes traducidos al inglés obtuvo una nominación al mejor libro de Asia en 2001.
Parte de su obra ha sido traducida al alemán, francés, italiano, español, hebreo y neerlandés y publicada en prestigiosas revistas internacionales de literatura. Es editor de Pratik, una revista de escritura contemporánea, y es columnista habitual en los periódicos nepalíes The Himalayan Times y The Kathmandu Post. Acaba de escribir su primera novela.
POEMAS (Traducciones de Verónica Aranda)
Las cigarras del monzón,
su canto estridente…
El perro viejo
dormitando junto a un porteador
con bocio y ebrio acurrucado
bajo la enorme campana de latón
de la pagoda de un templo
sólo se despertaría
si el puntapié de algún gorila
aplastara su pata que chorrea pus.
En el suelo enlodado del porche
de una pequeña choza entre niebla
junto a las márgenes
de los arroyos embravecidos, pelando
la piel
de las mazorcas de maíz,
entre el montón esponjoso
se sienta una madre de la montañas
con un hijo
llorando en su regazo.
No tiene más
que un beso,
un beso sucio,
sensiblero y fétido
para acallar
los gemidos de ese gatito.
La lucha del sol por deslumbrar
a través de cielos turbios de destinos fracasados.
Los callejones nebulosos
de la ciudad de los escorpiones parecen resbaladizos,
oscuros por el apagón
de una pesadilla de treinta años,
por el resplandor trémulo de heridas recientes.
Muchachas a la moda con ojos en forma de pez
se asoman a angustiosas ventanas de madera.
En la tienda local de alcohol
un poeta se sienta febril al fresco
en un chirriante banco de acero,
su rostro enterrado en la democracia de sus pálidas manos.
Sus piernas frágiles tiemblan
por el horror de obscenos eslogan de gastados Hitlers.
En las carnicerías con tejado de hojalata
sordas carniceras limpian los intestinos
de los búfalos del pasado,
un vago ritual de las espinas resucitadas de la memoria.
En los callejones resbaladizos de Asan
o Bhotahitee la fetidez de verduras podridas
asfixia a las deidades atrapadas
en los nichos de santuarios en ruinas.
Las vacas que deambulan mueven
sus colas infestadas de boñigas
para bendecir
a los expertos en derechos humanos llegados de Occidente.
Las palomas arrojan suciedad
en sus brillantes cabelleras para condenar sus almas piadosas,
un equilibrio de las escalas de justicia.
Sólo estos mantras
poeta de los helados callejones, de la ciudad
del exaltado dragón del hambre
sordo ante los gritos indefensos
de un recién nacido
al que están troceando
los extraños magos
de una ciega aristocracia: la democracia.
Un poeta saca un sol fresco
del útero oscuro, ulceroso de la oligarquía.
Yo te saludo, poeta,
te saludo.
Saludo tu movimiento
que tañe en las campanas de latón de la ortodoxia
por los umbrales de la historia,
y conduce a un amanecer de democracia.
Yo te saludo, poeta,
saludo tu desilusión
con los lobos del cambio
y los falsos pretendientes de la democracia
que arrancaron una costilla
de tu cuerpo baldado
para alejar tus ojos
de las tormentas del cambio
y hacerte
retozar como un bufón
con las prostitutas de la anarquía
en el castillo conspiratorio de la mugre.
Saludo tu desencanto
hacia los padres tartamudos de la nación
que te dejaron lisiado y solo
para que enloquecieras
en las calles ciegas
de la capital del dragón exaltado, devorada por las termitas.
Saludo tu locura, poeta,
la saludo.
Saludo tu completo rechazo
de una pose de hipocresía.
Tus visitas morbosas
al templo de Mahakaal
para pronunciar una oración
que encendiera una pagoda de poemas.
Tu intenso despliegue
del khukri, esperando traer otra revolución.
Tu deseo
de donar semen para úteros sanos.
Saludo tu surgimiento
de los desechos de la historia para contarnos:
Llega un Día
pero una vez en una Época.
A la sombra
frágil del arbusto
dos camellos
se sientan, rumiando,
mientras observan
el blanco abrasador del cielo
ni un grano
de los Monzones.
Poemas extraídos del libro:
Yuyutsu Sharma, Poemas de los Himalayas
Monday, January 3, 2011
Yuyutsu Sharma to read at Diane Hamilton's book launch
Yuyutsu Sharma to read at Diane Hamilton's book launch
The Pleasures of Poetry for all ages | |
Event Type: Education Program Date: 1/13/2011 Start Time: 6:00 PM End Time: 7:30 PM Description: The Pleasures of Poetry for all Ages Library: Lower Township LibraryThe Cape May County Library welcomes the public to a series on poetry that is part readings, part lecture, and part workshop presented by Jack Walters. “The Pleasures of Poetry for all Ages” will be held on Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:30 beginning January 6, 2011 at the Lower Branch Library 2600 Bayshore Rd Villas, NJ. The works of two guest authors will be presented during this special program on January 16th. “The Pleasures of Poetry for all Ages” will emphasize the simple enjoyment that can be derived from reading excerpts from the work of great poets of our language. The poems will be drawn mainly from the Norton collection. Class talk and participation are welcomed and encouraged, and those who would like to share their own poetry are also welcomed. Jack Walters is a retired journalist who began his career as a copyboy on The Philadelphia Inquirer in the 1930s and subsequently became the first overseas reporter for Armed Forces Radio during WWII, a CBS correspondent during the Murrow years, bureau chief for Radio Free Europe and The Stars and Stripes, a stringer for AP, a reporter for NBC’s “Monitor,” an Emmy Award-winning producer for ABC’s “Eyewitness News,” and a teacher of journalism for the University of Minnesota, Brooklyn College, and The New School University. He lives in North Cape May, New Jersey. Author Diane Hamilton will be at the class on the 13th of January to present her new book “Lizard Licking, Donegal & Other Poems”. In 2000, Diane spent a month in County Donegal, where her father's cousins still live on the land where he was raised. Diane has wanted to be poet since she was five years old, when her father told her that poets were revered in Ireland and considered important members of society. Diane (Devennie) Hamilton was born in Philadelphia; she is a first-generation Irish-American whose father came to the U.S. from County Donegal. For 10 years she worked in an oil refinery in Philadelphia and later moved to New York City where she attended New York University and received a BFA in Film and TV in 1988. She subsequently received an MA in Public Librarianship from Rowan University and is currently Assistant Director of the Cape May County Library in Cape May Court House, N.J. Yuyutsu Sharma will be the second author. Recipient of fellowships and grants from The Rockefeller Foundation, Ireland Literature Exchange, Trubar Foundation, Slovenia, The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature and The Foundation for the Production and Translation of Dutch Literature, Yuyutsu RD Sharma is a distinguished poet and translator. He has published eight poetry collections including, Space Cake, Amsterdam, & Other Poems from Europe and America, (Howling Dog Press, Colorado, 2009), and Annapurna Poems, (Nirala, New Delhi 2008),. He has translated and edited several anthologies of contemporary Nepali poetry in English and launched a literary movement, Kathya Kayakalpa (Content Metamorphosis) in Nepali poetry. His works have appeared in Poetry Review, Chanrdrabhaga, Sodobnost, Amsterdam Weekly, Indian Literature, Irish Pages, Delo, Omega, Howling Dog Press, Exiled Ink, Iton77, Little Magazine, The Telegraph, Indian Express and Asiaweek. The Library of Congress has nominated his recent book of Nepali translations entitled Roaring Recitals; Five Nepali Poets as Best Book of the Year 2001 from Asia under the Program, A World of Books International Perspectives. Yuyutsu’s own work has been translated into German, French, Italian, Slovenian, Hebrew, Spanish and Dutch. He just published his nonfiction, Annapurnas & Stains of Blood: Life, Travel and Writing a Page of Snow, (Nirala, 2010) and completed his first novel. Currently, he edits Pratik, A Magazine of Contemporary Writing and contributes literary columns to Nepal’s leading daily, The Himalayan Times. For more information please call 886-8999 or visit Location: Joseph Millman Room Presenter: Jack Walters |
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Nepal: A Poem for Yuyu by Lorraine Bouchard
a poem for Yuyu
To dream
The impossible dream
Who is this poet
Where did he come from
Is he real
Part of the dream
Or dreaming
Does it matter
The forehead
Of the world
My vision
Sadness surfaces
Recognizing the turquoise lake
Drop of ocean
Source climbing
To another destination
Never an end
Lorraine Bouchard, Montreal
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Five Forthcoming New York and New Jersey Readings
Yuyutsu Sharma
Five Forthcoming New York and New Jersey Readings
December 30, 2010
Himalayan Recitals
Yuyu reading from Nepal Trilogy
at Blue Mountain Gallery
(Private reading with limited seats
Write to if you intend to come)
Blue Mountain Gallery
530 West 25th Street 4th floor
New York NY 10001( between 10th and 11th Avenues )
646 486 4730
January1, 2011
Yuyu reading at
The Alternative New Year's Day Spoken Word / Performance Extravaganza
between 10 and 12 pm
We have Dark Matters: The arts that hold all us
disparate individuals together! When the city, the
country and the world splits into fighting fragments,
music, poetry, and dance keep us intact. Come
celebrate our unity when other factors attempt to drive
us apart at the 17th annual Alternative New Year's Day
Spoken Word/Performance Extravaganza!
The Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery
(Between Houston and Bleecker)
F train to 2nd Ave, 6 to Bleecker
January 3, 2011
Yuyu featuring at
Saturn Series Poetry Reading
Nightingale Lounge
213 2nd Avenue, NYC @ 13th Street...
A short walk East of Union Square
$ 3 Fee
Every Monday night at 7:30 pm
Open Mike + 1 or 2 features
Sign up at 7 pm, Starts 7:30 to 9:30 Hosted by Su Polo & David Elsasser
Saturday January 13
Lower Branch Library Hosts Poetry Readings
Yuyu Reading as Special Guest at
the Launch of Diane Hamilton’s
Lizard Licking, Donegal & Other Poems
Lower Branch Library Hosts Poetry Readings
2600 Bayshore Rd., Villas
The Lower Cape Branch of the Cape May County Library invites the public to listen to the readings of poetry by two guest authors, Diane Hamilton and Yuyutsu Sharma. The program will be held on Thursday, January 13th from 6-7:30 p.m. during the workshop of “The Pleasures of Poetry for all Ages,” at the Lower Branch Library. The library is located at 2600 Bayshore Rd., Villas.
Author Diane Hamilton will read from her new book “Lizard Licking, Donegal & Other Poems.” Hamilton was born in Philadelphia; she is a first-generation Irish-American whose father came to the U.S. from County Donegal. She attended New York University and received a BFA in Film and TV in 1988. Hamilton subsequently received an MA in Public Librarianship from Rowan University and is currently Assistant Director of the Cape May County Library in Cape May Court House, N.J.
Yuyutsu Sharma is the recipient of numerous fellowships and grants and is a distinguished poet and translator. Sharma has published eight poetry collections and translated and edited several anthologies of contemporary Nepali poetry into English. The Library of Congress nominated his recent book of Nepali translations “Roaring Recitals; Five Nepali Poets” as Best Book of the Year 2001 from Asia under the Program, A World of Books International Perspectives. Sharma works have been translated into seven different languages. He currently edits Pratik, A Magazine of Contemporary Writing and contributes literary columns to Nepal’s leading daily, The Himalayan Times.
For additional information please call 886-8999 or visit online at
Saturday January 15
Utopian Directions
7 West st.
Warwick N.Y..
6:00 pm