Saturday, Dec 9, at 6: 00 — 8:00 pm, Eternal Snow Readings in New York followed by Yuyutsu Sharma & David Austell Reading their fresh work at Montauk Club, Brooklyn The Montauk Club 25 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Phone: Phone: 646 591 9951, 917 293 9334
Friday, Dec 8, at 7: 00 pm-9:00, Yuyutsu Sharma reading at Poets Aloud, BJ Spoke Gallery, 299 Main Street, Huntington, New York 11743 Host: Kelly J. Powell Seating always available, limited parking, so arrive early. Admission is free; $3 donation preferred. Refreshments available.
Tuesday, Dec 5, at 6: 30 pm, Erie Launch of Eternal Snow; Yuyutsu Sharma visits Poetry Night on his international tour with the anthology Eternal Snow! Book Signing. Plus poetry open mic. Upstairs for this event. Chuck Joy, poet host. Calamari’s Squid, 1317 State St. Erie, Pennsylvania 16501 Phone: 8144594276 http://www.calamaris-squidrow.com/
Sunday, Dec 3, at 7:00 pm: Ohio Launch Of Eternal Snow. The Anthology contributors read from the book followed by Yuyutsu Sharma reading his new work. Coffee and pastries served. Saint Pio Fine Arts Institute And Conservatory. 33 3rd St SE, Barberton, Ohio 44203 Hosted by Thomas Jenney Phone: Call (330) 328-7619
Saturday, Dec 2, at 4:30 – 7:00 pm: Yuyutsu Sharma reading at Exchange House, Akron, 760 Elms St. Akron Ohio 44310 Hosted by Noor Hindi (234) 312-9709
Thursday, Nov 30, at 7: 00 pm, Yuyutsu Sharma Poet Gold & Judith Tulloch. Reading to be followed by Q&A. Organized by Calling All Poets, program host Mike JurkovicTown Crier 378 Main St. Beacon, New York, 12508 Phone: 845 855 1300
Saturday, November 18, at 2 pm until 4 pm: Yuyutsu Sharma Reading with David Austell & Barbara Novack at Oceanside Library 30 Davison Ave, Oceanside, NY 11572, USA. Hosted Peter V. Dugan, 516-287-5239 http://www.oceansidelibrary.com
Tuesday, November 14, at 6:30 pm, Yuyutsu Sharma reading at The Long Island Launch of Eternal Snow, Port Jefferson Free Library, 631 473-0022 100 Thompson Street Port Jefferson, NY, 11777, 631-473-0022 Fax: 631-473-2903 info@portjefflibrary.org Hosted by Kat Lamberg
Monday, November 13, at 7 pm until 9 pm: Yuyutsu Sharma Reading as Feature Poet at Poetry Express Berkeley. Hosted by Poetry Express Berkeley, at Himalayan Flavors, 1585 University Avenue, Nearest Cross St. California, Host: Jim Barnard, poetryexpress@gmail.com, www.poetryexpressed.com
Saturday, November 11, Noon to 2.30 pm: Yuyutsu Sharma Reading and workshop Berkeley Public Library, Hosted by Berkeley Public Library, 2090 Kittredge St, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA Host: Isobel Schneider, ischneider@cityofberkeley.info, https://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/
Monday, Oct 23, at 7:00 pm: Yuyutsu Sharma Reading at Boston Launch of Eternal Snow with Timothy Gager at Out of the Blue Gallery, in the Stone Soup Poetry Series, at 541 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge. Host: Chad Parenteau https://outoftheblueartgallery.com
Saturday, Oct 21, at 6 pm to 9 pm Brooklyn Launch of Yuyutsu Sharma’s Eternal Snow and A Workshop with the Himalayan Poet, Hosted by Yoga Sole, Windsor Terrace Brooklyn – 254 Windsor Place – Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel: 718.541.1382 , Reading$ 10pp Workshop $25pp Reading included) www.yogasole.com Host : Evalena Leedy evalena@yogasole.com