This review is from: Quaking Cantos: Nepal Earthquake Poems (Paperback)
Yuyutsu Sharma's "Quaking Cantos" is a painful recollection of the earthquake in Nepal. When you read the lines, you feel the emotion of the poet as he goes into graphic details of the horror of death and devastation. When you read the lines, you sense that the gods were communicating with Sharma, helping him find the courage to write each word. Each poem is like a beautiful prayer. Sharma is a guru who prays for the healing of his homeland. But this is also a wake-up call for all of us. The earth is hurting and she is in pain. We need to stop the pillaging and pollution. We need to show respect for Mother Earth and her living creatives if we are to survive into the next century.
Your music is amazing. You have some very talented artists. I wish you the best of success.